광주노래방 O1O.5712.0948 광주유흥주점 광주퍼블릭가라오케 광주정통룸싸롱
광주노래방 O1O.5712.0948 광주유흥주점 광주퍼블릭가라오케 광주정통룸싸롱
‘what?’As Sonbin watched Jeomsoi kindly guiding him t
o his seat and Sajahyeok walking heavily, Sonbin felt so
mething bothering him.’This… … .’It was a sound. The n
oise of people chatting around Son Bin had decreased
significantly.When Sonbin turned her head and looked
around, her eyes met several people. They were glancing
at Sonbin and Sajahyeok without turning their heads. The
old man who was guarding the counter near the entranc
e, probably the owner of the guesthouse, smiled when h
er eyes met and even bowed her head.It was a complete
ly different appearance from just before, when he was c
oncentrating on calculating without even looking at Son
광주노래방 O1O.5712.0948 광주유흥주점 광주퍼블릭가라오케 광주정통룸싸롱
Only then did Sonbin realize the situation and smiled bitte
rly. And then I trudged to the place that Jeomsoi had gui
ded me to. Sajahyuk was already seated, and Jeomsoi wa
s listening to orders in a polite manner.Rattling.As Sonbin
sat down, Jeomsoy turned around. While Jeomsoi, who had
a formal but smiling face on her face, was taking orders fr
om Sonbin, another Jeomsoi suddenly appeared and brou
ght a warm teapot and cool water.“Why are you doing th
at?”Sajahyuk asks if he saw the color of Sonbin’s face. Son
bin smiled bitterly at her.“No, it’s nothing. just… … .”Turnin
g her head, Sonbin looked back at her guest. The loud n
oises return to their original size, and the room is once ag
ain filled with bustling noises and the smell of food.“I thou
ght, ‘These people must be having a really hard time.’”
Sajahyuk frowns slightly. It probably means something c
광주노래방 O1O.5712.0948 광주유흥주점 광주퍼블릭가라오케 광주정통룸싸롱
oming out of nowhere.“With so many people, how many
strange guests must there be? “Arrogant masters, girls w
ho like to be neat, martial artists who frequently brandi
sh swords, and even officials who force special treatment
by showing off their status.””so?”Sahyeok asks as he lifts
a warm teacup. Sonbin picked up the teapot and filled her
own cup with her tea. Even in this place filled with the sm
ells of all her food, her warm tea scent slowly rose up an
d touched her son’s mood.“So maybe it’s only natural? It m
eans understanding at a glance what kind of person the
person who just entered the room is and making appropri
ate preparations. If it’s a well-behaved customer, you can ma
ke them wait a little, but if it’s an irritable martial artist, you’
ll need to please them quickly. therefore… … Oh, look.”The m
oment Sonbin spoke, a guest entered the guest room. At th
광주노래방 O1O.5712.0948 광주유흥주점 광주퍼블릭가라오케 광주정통룸싸롱
e same time, the gazes of the cashier and store clerks quick
ly passed by the customer. It was only a brief moment, but
I could clearly see the gaze passing by.The guests looked em
barrassed as they looked at the room full of people, but the
owner, Jeomsoina, had already withdrawn her gaze and was c
oncentrating on her own work. shabby